Sunday, April 22, 2018

Jamies Response to BW&S

April 20, 2018
Bayview Water & Sewer District

Attn:  Sharon K. Meyer, Vice Chair

P.O. Box 637

Bayview, ID 83803

Dear Sharon:

Thank you for the response letter dated April 11, 2018.  It is appreciated that the financial / treasures report was uploaded at the March meeting for the public to follow along to better understand how our money is being spent.  This too should help with less public records requests to the District.  

To help you further understand my points from the original letter I sent to the board dated, March 20, 2018 regarding my suggestions / concerns, I am responding to your April 11th letter.

1.      The point of the agenda not being printed is plain and simple, it is not useful. I use a similar format in my professional position with medical staff, MDs, ARNPs and Nursing staff. The agenda put out by the District does not contain a one-line description of the topic, so the public can understand the discussion that follows. 

2.      Regarding transparency and accountability with the consent agenda, there is not a problem with reviewing and discussing prior to the meeting and address concerns, however; when presented by the Board to the public, it seems to be an inside conversation.  It is difficult to understand the discussion.  You can compare it to an “inside joke” and everyone else trying to decipher the meaning.  Fiscal responsibility should require that the Board very definitively set out each item contained in the consent agenda and that it be on the overhead projector or a handout.  It not only is confusing to the public when they don't know what the Board is specifically approving on the consent agenda, it leaves open the possibility of approving items without proper oversight, especially in the area of financials.  For months the Board indicated to the public they go to great lengths in review and assessment of all financial transactions, yet the balance sheet has incorrectly overstated the District's assets by more than $4.7 million dollars. Since there has been no review in the public meetings, I assume that this has all happened as a "consent agenda".  This seems to indicate that there is not a diligent review by the board member of this information.  If the review is as thorough as it should be for consent agenda items, seems to me that one of the board members should have questioned that.  It is still incorrect for the third month in row, after approval of the March financials, there is a serious lack of oversight in the district's record keeping and negligence in transparency and accountability of the consent agenda items. 

3.      It is understood that each “Board Meeting” is not a “public hearing” and in no way did my March letter make that implication.  As a matter of fact, it certainly is “the one time per month for the board of directors to discuss important issues among themselves in a public setting”.  Problem is that it is apparent that the issues have already been discussed and decided upon prior to presentation to the public, which does not allow for clarifying questions.   

4.      Regarding scolding and intimidation by Mr. Doney or any other member of the board, I am not in any way intimidated.  However; Mr. Doney did scold in the form of a direct threat to stop the meeting when I responded to an interruption from another member of the audience who was not acting in a “professional” manner and completely off topic.  Please do not use condescending language implying that I was not “playing nice” in the setting to work toward a more meaningful interchange”.  Mr. Doney should be more careful when discussing Board Business at the post office or any other public setting.  He was heard saying in December or January, “I will make sure we have others at the evening meeting in February to counter the “group of 8 naysayers”.  Based on Mr. Doney’s own words, it is apparent this person that so rudely interrupted me about how wonderful you all are for conducting 4 evening meetings per year was one of his “planted / staged” individuals.  Not acceptable and several in the audience saw through this ridiculous tactic.  As I have previously requested and am doing it again, please consider conducting evening meetings, on the minimum, at least every other month, if it is not possible to do it every month.  All other local, county and some state agencies conduct evening meetings, so why is this Board not willing to follow suit?  I would also like to suggest trainings on Open Meeting Laws and Roberts Rules of Order, the basics of serving on a public board.

In conclusion, it is my opinion and observation that this board is not “carrying out their duties with focused, diligent efforts in the best interest of the District.”  The change you speak of is this board’s lack of knowledge as you so stated that “each of you is actively learning more and more about water & sewer systems individually and collectively.”  Board members should have had some knowledge of water and sewer systems, public utilities operations, Open Meeting Laws and Roberts Rules of Order prior to running for the positions you hold.  The refusal to create a smooth transition between employees to contracted services and the refusal to learn from the previous board and ask questions of them and the former employees was a huge mistake on your part.  It is apparent that this board came in with their own agenda and have continually blamed the previous board and employees for the shortcomings of the decisions you all are making. As “elected / appointed public servants” this Board does not seem to be “dedicated to improving all aspects of this district” because you were unwilling to ask questions, admit mistakes and attempt to rectify the financial irresponsibility created by such decisions.


Jamie Berube

Concerned Public Customer

Letter sent to Jamie from Sharon Meyer BW&S

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