Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Letter to the BW&S Board - Jamie Berube

March 20, 2018

Re: Bayview Water & Sewer District – Meeting Agenda

Chairman Doney & Sharon Meyer:

I was able to attend the board meeting last month and was very disappointed with the following items and especially the agenda.  I have a suggestion I would like considered and a request for an update regarding a topic discussed at the February 15, 2018 meeting.

1.      I have pulled the agenda for the meeting scheduled for March 21, 2018.  To prevent unnecessary costs to the district, I suggest not printing the agendas for those in attendance.  After the last meeting, I saw several agendas torn up and thrown on the ground outside of the community center.  Unless the board members plan on cleaning up the litter, don’t bother.  The public can print these if they are planning on attending meetings.  Per the input at the meeting, these agendas are worthless to the public because there are no talking points to follow your discussions regarding specific topics.  There were several of us trying to figure out what you all were discussing, which may have been in the “Consent Agenda” at the beginning.  At the February meeting, the board stated the information (talking / discussion points) are on their agendas, but not on the public agendas.  Why?  This only added to confusing the public and demonstrating the continual lack of transparency from this board. 

2.      Per the request of at least three individuals, including myself, there is no mention of a monthly balance sheet that the public can review prior to the meeting to better understand the financial status of the district and ask clarifying questions.  Mr. Doney stated he would have to ask for legal advice to provide such information to the public.  It does not appear that this topic is going to be addressed under the Treasurer’s Report, Old Business or New Business.  Am I to assume that neither of you have discussed this matter with legal?  Budget information should be on the agenda under the Treasurer’s Report each month.  Oral reports are difficult to follow and understand if they are not printed allowing the public to follow along.  Am I to assume that the public is not going to be allowed to know income and expense without having to do a “Public Records Request” each and every month?

3.      Lastly, I was publicly scolded and threatened to close the meeting by Mr. Doney for responding to an individual that interrupted me while I was asking a question to the board regarding the Treasurer’s Report and providing a line item accounting of monthly income and expenses as done by most public non-profit organizations.  It is the responsibility of the Chair to keep order at meetings and allowing off topic interruptions of how this board does not get paid to have the evening meetings, how much time they devote to the district, how you all have lives that go beyond the district and what a great job you all are doing, was extremely inappropriate.  Unfortunately, these planted / staged individuals just made matters worse.  It is the responsibility of Mr. Doney, as Chair, to publicly keep order and professionalism during the meetings and not allow the inappropriateness of such off-topic interruptions.

In summary, I appreciate that a meeting was held where those of us that are working during the day could attend.  It is unfortunate that there will only be 4 evening meetings per year.  Most other public boards meet evenings to accommodate the public, such as the Kootenai County Commissioners and Lakes Highway District.  I would like to remind this board that you chose to run for the positions you hold and were elected.  Now you are public servants that are supposed to exhibit transparency and fiscal responsibility to our community and to those you serve.  All I am seeing is the lack of transparency, lack of fiscal responsibility and blame on the previous board and employees for the poor decisions currently being made.  It is okay to make mistakes, just take responsibility and be willing to learn and revise decisions as necessary.  I see no effort from this board to understand the water and sewer systems and the reasons behind past operations of an antiquated system.  I think most agree that improvements are necessary, but within reason and within budget.  Before our district is totally bankrupt, please reevaluate some of the decisions you are making.   Please let me know if this board has any plans to edit the agenda to inform the public of the actual monthly income and expenses and if any actions will be taken to better represent the topics of discussion.

Thank you,

Jamie Berube

(208) 683-5138 – Evenings or (509) 838-4651 x 012340 - Days

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A concerned citizen