Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Just VOTE NO again!

April 30, 2019

Bayview Water & Sewer District, Community of Voters (copy to Board)

The issue:  The upcoming Bond Election in May, something to think about.  Find out the facts of why once again voting NO is so important!

Here are some ideas to drink in and give thought to.  The Bayview Water and Sewer Board seem to be carrying water with a bucket ½ full.  The “Citizen Fact Finding Committee”, authorized by the Board, seemed to be carrying water (facts) with a bucket ½ full. The Committee had 3 people walk away before it completed the task.  Why did they walk?  They left because any ideas or facts that would support rehabbing the present water storage tank and system where constantly not considered; for the most part the bucket of ideas could only be carried forward by the chosen that would be in favor of having a new system across town at the cost of about 2.15 million.

This Bond if voted in could be a serious mistake for the future of Bayview.  We do not need a new system across town that would not be problem free for 100 years.  We need to solve the problems for the next 25-30 years while making sure the water & sewer repair costs and financial needs of OUR WATER DISTRICT can be met without putting this huge unnecessary debt on the people of Bayview. The financial condition of the District is one of pretty much living hand to mouth while there are many unanswered questions regarding costs, even to maintain what we have. This kind of decision making and debt has caused some Districts to have a need for change of ownership, we should all be concerned about that!

There will be more information coming out in the in May concerning why this 2.15 millon dollar debt is a bad idea.  Please be informed and do not allow fear to enter into your decision, there is time to do this right.  The Water & Sewer Board has a responsibility to listen to the voters if they wish to stay on in their positions.   Please don’t allow their push back to change your standing.  We need every one to hold ground for the best future for Bayview! Pass this message around!

The Bare facts from one of many that love Bayview!   Faye Bare 

A concerned citizen